Wann sagt Homer eigentlich: ``NEIN`` ?

  • Wie meinst Du das, "wann"? Ob jemand alle "Neinnn!" gezählt hat? Bestimmt nicht. Alles über "Neinnn!" und "D'oh!" findest Du hier:

    <a href="http://www.homepagemodules.de/board/show.php4?id=25040&amp;board=1875&amp;subc=K&amp;forum=4724" target="_blank">http://www.homepagemodules.de/…amp;subc=K&amp;forum=4724</a>


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  • Andreas unterstützt ihn noch bei seiner Dummheit!<img src="http://img.homepagemodules.de/grin.gif">

    Markus : Entschuldige, aber die Frage ist doch etwas überflüssig, oder sollte ich mal fragen wann du "Habes wi rgelacht" sagst, was immer das auch hei&szlig;en mag....
    <b><i>Das Ende schlechter Episoden auf <img src="http://img.homepagemodules.de/grin.gif"></b></i><a href="http://www.finalesimpsons.de" target="_blank">finalesimpsons.de</a>
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    Co-Webmaster bei <a href="http://www.lisasimpson-net.de" target="_blank">http://www.lisasimpson-net.de</a> <a href="mailto:kang@finalesimpsons.de">kang@finalesimpsons.de</a> &nbsp;

  • KANG : Als Moderator/stellvertretender Admin ist es mein Job, immer hilfreich zur Stelle zu sein. <img src="http://img.homepagemodules.de/wink.gif">

    Markus : Wenn Du die Simpsons schaust, sollte Dir aber wirklich aufgefallen sein, wann und warum Homer immer "Neinnn!" sagt...


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    &middot;&middot;&middot; Website: <a href="http://www.lisasimpson-net.de" target="_blank">http://www.lisasimpson-net.de</a> &middot;&middot; E-Mail: <a href="mailto:webmaster@lisasimpson-net.de">webmaster@lisasimpson-net.de</a> &middot;&middot;&middot; &nbsp;

  • [8F07] realizes Lisa heard him agreeing to doing something
    with the kids {as}
    [8F07] when Bart (in Martin's soapbox racer) overtakes him
    on the road {as}
    [8F08] when Selma had the last beer {as}
    [8F08] going to Moe's just after telling Marge he was
    never going to Moe's again {as}
    [8F09] the candy machine wouldn't take his screwed-up
    dollar (x2) {as}
    [8F09] put's down the Safety Inspector when he realizes
    that he's the Safety Inspector {as}
    [8F09] when Lisa tells him Germans were good workers {as}
    [8F16] While trying to think of someone who has got rich
    by doing yo-yo tricks; when a piece of wood is
    nailed to his coat. {as}
    [8F17] two when he didn't have the right lottery ticket
    number; one when a building blows up, taking his
    'lost dog' flyers with it. {as}
    [8F06] four times while banging his head on the table
    because the shop next door was closed early; one
    when asked if Lisa's sax is an alto or tenor; one
    when Lisa doesn't forgive him; one while trying
    to keep his Scratch &amp; Win card {as}
    [8F18] bowling (x2) {as}
    [8F19] while trying to get a car space (x2) {as}
    [9F11] when he thought aloud, and ended up insulting
    Patty &amp; Selma {as}
    [1F08] he got a maths rule wrong {as}
    [1F09] the cat burglar stole the small TV {as}
    [1F10] in the song he says something wrong; and when he
    realizes that India is over 16,000km away {as}
    [1F11] when he reads his horoscope; and when he breaks
    the lamp {as}
    [1F12] realizes Abe's inheritance is for the whole
    family {as}
    [1F12] when he pulls the phone down, by tripping over the
    lead {as}
    [1F13] when he says that TV respects him, so he turns the
    TV on, and the man on the TV is laughing at him {as}
    [1F15] when he wonders why nobody else wants to clean the
    basement ("D'oh??") and again when he finds out for
    himself ("D'oh!!") {ddg}
    [1F20] three times when picking up the cards in the poker
    game {as}
    [1F21] when Maggie points to him as being a monkey {as}
    [2F01] along with the others, when he hits the traffic
    jam. {ddg}

    Some enchanted evening...
    Erlebe ihn auf <a href="http://www.simpsonssource.de" target="_blank">simpsonssource.de</a>! &nbsp;

  • Well, the Simpsons are originally in english and if you ask a basic question like this I've thought, you want the informations in the original language. So I had given it to you.
    Of course, here are not all cases of Homer saying "D'oh" listed, it is only a selection. If you want to know all, I give you the tip to watch all the 269 simpsons-episodes!

    Some enchanted evening...
    Erlebe ihn auf <a href="simpsonssource.de" target="_blank">simpsonssource.de</a>! &nbsp;

  • SunJay : Klasse!<blockquote><font size="1">In Antwort auf:</font><hr>Well, the Simpsons are originally in english and if you ask a basic question like this I've thought, you want the informations in the original language. So I had given it to you.
    Of course, here are not all cases of Homer saying "D'oh" listed, it is only a selection. If want to know all, I give you the tip to watch all the 269 simpsons-episodes!<hr></blockquote>Hmm, soll ich das für alle DAUs übersetzen?

    <font color="#FFFFFF">Ok, fangen wir mal an... "Nun, die Simpsons sind ursprünglich in Englisch, und da Du eine so grundsätzliche Frage wie diese stellst, dachte ich, Du möchtest diese Informationen in der Originalsprache. Natürlich sind hier nicht alle Fälle aufgelistet, in denen Homer "Neinnn!" sagt, es ist nur eine Auswahl. Wenn Du alle wissen möchtest, gebe ich Dir den Tipp, alle 269 Simpsons-Episoden zu schauen!"</font>


    <img src="http://www.lisasimpson-net.de/sigs/sig5.jpg" border=0>
    &middot;&middot;&middot; Website: <a href="http://www.lisasimpson-net.de" target="_blank">http://www.lisasimpson-net.de</a> &middot;&middot; E-Mail: <a href="mailto:webmaster@lisasimpson-net.de">webmaster@lisasimpson-net.de</a> &middot;&middot;&middot; &nbsp;

  • Ja, 39,80 DM. Hier der Link zu Amazon.de: <a href="http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3897483238/o/qid=999780943/sr=2-2/302-3654786-2953608" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.de/exec/obid…r=2-2/302-3654786-2953608</a>


    <img src="http://www.lisasimpson-net.de/sigs/sig5.jpg" border=0>
    &middot;&middot;&middot; Website: <a href="http://www.lisasimpson-net.de" target="_blank">http://www.lisasimpson-net.de</a> &middot;&middot; E-Mail: <a href="mailto:webmaster@lisasimpson-net.de">webmaster@lisasimpson-net.de</a> &middot;&middot;&middot; &nbsp;

  • @ Markus: Ich habe noch einen unbenutzten Serienguide zu Hause. Verkaufe ihn für 30 DM inklusive Versandkosten. Bei Interesse per Mail oder ICQ melden!
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